Maths and Physics➝Crazy Commercial Maths
Here are some pieces of amusingly dodgy maths I've come across in the commercial world.
Double Discount
The classic double discount offer. Soon they'll catch on that they can split finite discounts
into an infinite series.
The Ambiguous Graph
Some very informative graph labelling here by Head and Shoulders.
More than 100%
Ok, I see that informing us that 100g of Weetabix was made using 105g wholegrain wheat might
be useful information. But come on, to claim this means it's 105% wholegrain wheat!
And look, everyone's at it!
The Meaningless Upper Bound
This hairdye claims to offer "up to 100%" grey coverage, what hairdye could not make this meaningless
claim? Well, I say meaningless, perhaps a hairdye from Weetabix would offer up to 105% grey coverage!