➝Maths and Physics
A collection of both serious maths and fun maths, though I assure you it's all fun really!
100 billion
How big is the universe? Can't remember? Well it's actually easy, you just have to remember this one number.
Use it to impress your friends and sound profound at dinner parties.* More...
* Warning, may have opposite effect.
The Physics Cube
The universe is goverened by three fundamental constants: The speed of
light, c, Planck's constant, h, and Newton's gravitational constant, G.
Advances in theoretical physics can be seen as a journey around a cube representing
which of these constants we choose to include in our theories and which
we choose to ignore. The ultimate goal is to include all three constants
consistently in a theory of quantum gravity. Explore the physics cube...
Crazy Commercial Maths
Whether it's ambiguously labelled graphs, or ingredients contributing more than 100% to your breakfast cereal, the world of advertising is awash with dodgy maths. I've decided to collect the examples I come across here. More...
My Work
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is a beautiful and exceedingly accurate description of gravitation applicable to the large scale. Quantum Theory, with a beauty all of its own, is an exceedingly accurate description of the atomic world. Yet, put these to theories together as they stand and all manor of crazy things go wrong... the maths just breaks!
We believe what is needed is a new theory that encompasses both realms from the outset. The leading ideas for such a theory are currently "Loop Quantum Gravity" and "String Theory". Lying behind these theories is some fascinating geometry: discrete and supersymmetric. My work has been focussed on the exploration of these geometries. More...
The Journal of Crazy Science
The Journal of Crazy Science, a journal for crazy, pointless but fun scientific articles. I've started this journal off with a short paper I wrote, for the purposes of learning LaTeX, on whether you should walk or run in the rain! If you would like your article to appear in J. Craz. Sci. then you can send it on to me for review! More...
And some random things...
- Primes-Tables - Ever wanted to multiply numbers by just pushing shapes together in your head? Well you can.
- The Triangle Problem - All you have to do is work out one angle, sounds easy huh? Think again.
- High Stakes - A puzzle with rope and sticks. Go get some rope and sticks!